Mobile Apps Development

Mobile apps help to give easy and instant solution for any problem, this software are developed by Rokomari IT Ltd.

Mobile Apps Development

The mobile phone is the most used personal assistant nowadays. This mobile phone has multiple types like android, iPhone, Windows or Microsoft technology phone, hybrid phones. These types of phones needed a basic software interface. This software or mobile apps is the element that Makes an easier function to use.

Rokomari IT Ltd. Provides the best Mobile App development service in Dhaka to ensure more flexible use of various web site, networks through your phone. 

Basic four types of Mobile Software by Rokomari IT Ltd. Are

Android Apps:

Among the best-emerging technologies of mobile Android phone made a revolutionary change in the market. In a very short time, it gained very huge popularity. For that reason Android App development company raising in the market. Rokomari IT Ltd has an expert team to convert your recommendation, idea, and dream in visual software.
The Software designed by Rokomari IT Ltd, designed for easy and better ROI, has good insight and also easy maintenance for clients.

iPhone Apps: 

Rokomari IT Ltd the best iPhone App development company in Dhaka have the expertise team to develop the app in a commitment that it should be based on your requirements at maximum. We ensure the best services to the customer. 

We are always trying to give you always support and the guideline as a leading software development firm in Bangladesh from front end to back end development of your server. Our team always brings great results to your requirements. Our young, energetic, dedicated, knowledgeable, experienced & hardworking iPhone apps development team make the difference among us and others software development firm in Dhaka. 

Our continuous research with trending technology always keeps your device up to date.

Windows Apps Development: 

As Microsoft is the core system using in the desktop version there this theme converted into Windows mobile theme. To develop Windows Moblie apps Rokomari IT Ltd plays a  vital role. Our core system is also supportive to this concept. The  Services we covered here are: 
•    conceptualization of apps and design
•    Custom App development
•    Web-based windows app development
•    Porting and Migration of windows apps
•    QA Testing
•    Continue support, maintenance and upgrade.

This service is dedicatedly given to your company by us to develop the best Windows App for your company.

Hybrid Mobile Apps:

Hybrid apps are the apps run on the device written with the technology Javascript, CSS, and HTML5, etc. It runs under a native container and leverages the device's browser engines.

Hybrid apps have taken mobile technology to the next level. As it is the combination of native app and web app together, it creates and combined both devices. Rokomari IT Ltd builds up this app in a single code base which is flexible for your organization. 

We have an advanced level of competency to combine the potential of HTML5 app development with an advanced mobile app development structure. We build apps that look like native ones on all the major platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, and others as we have expert Hybrid mobile app developers.

The usefulness of HyBrid Mobile Apps are: 

•    A wide range of reach in a little time
•    Cross mobile compatibility
•    Secured to use
•    Central Code
•    Easy maintenance
•    Quick Approval

If you want next-generation Hybrid mobile apps you should contact Rokomari It Ltd the best IT service provider in Dhaka.


Professionally managed Software Development Company servicing clients all over the Bangladesh and offshore Market. Rakomari IT Ltd. was formed with a clear goal to provide quality software development services.

Rokomari IT Ltd
   Raisa & Shikdhar Tower,3/8

     North Pirerbag, Dhaka-1216



   [email protected], [email protected]

A Sister Company of Mysoftheaven(BD) LTD